Green Home

Going Green with tank-less water heaters allows you, the homeowner, more than just endless hot water. Your local city and our government recognizes and rewards the homeowner with rebates and tax credits that are definitely worth looking in to. For additional information, please visit:

We recommend that consumers with further questions regarding the Energy Policy Tax Incentives consult with their tax advisors.

Eco Friendly

Takagi is committed to protecting public health and the environment. In addition to developing a quality line of Tank-less products that are energy efficient, our products also help to reduce airborne pollutants and preserve our natural resources. Michael’s Valley Plumbing, Inc. is a registered plumbing company with Takagi and is recommended by us as a local installer of our products.

2010 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Application MUST be POSTMARKED by 12/31/2010


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Contact Us

Phone: Orange County Areas (949) 646-PIPE (7473)
Phone: San Fernando Valley (818)-754-0083